Recent Publications¶
This is an automatically compiled list of papers which have been added to the living review that were made public within the previous 4 months at the time of updating. This is not an exhaustive list of released papers, and is only able to find those which have both year and month data provided in the bib reference.
March 2025¶
- Mass-unspecific classifiers for mass-dependent searches (2025)
- Exploring the flavor structure of leptons via diffusion models (2025)
- Neutrino type identification for atmospheric neutrinos in a large homogeneous liquid scintillation detector (2025)
- ParaFlow: fast calorimeter simulations parameterized in upstream material configurations (2025)
- Stabilizing Neural Likelihood Ratio Estimation (2025)
- Conditional Deep Generative Models for Simultaneous Simulation and Reconstruction of Entire Events (2025)
- Reconstructing hadronically decaying tau leptons with a jet foundation model (2025)
- Evaluating the faithfulness of PDF uncertainties in the presence of inconsistent data (2025)
- Improved Constraints on Pion Fragmentation Functions from Simulated Electron-Ion Collider Data (2025)
- How many simulations do we need for simulation-based inference in cosmology? (2025)
- Classification of Electron and Muon Neutrino Events for the ESS\(\nu\)SB Near Water Cherenkov Detector using Graph Neural Networks (2025)
- Search for the radiative leptonic decay \(D^+\to\gamma e^+\nu_e\) with Deep Learning (2025)
- Strong CWoLa: Binary Classification Without Background Simulation (2025)
- A Downstream and vertexing algorithm for Long Lived Particles (LLP) selection at the first High-level trigger (HLT1) of LHCb (2025)
- Application of Geometric Deep Learning for Tracking of Hyperons in a Straw Tube Detector (2025)
- Strategic White Paper on AI Infrastructure for Particle, Nuclear, and Astroparticle Physics: Insights from JENA and EuCAIF (2025)
- End-to-End Optimal Detector Design with Mutual Information Surrogates (2025)
- NNPDFpol2.0: unbiased global determination of polarized PDFs and their uncertainties at next-to-next-to-leading order (2025)
- LArTPC hit-based topology classification with quantum machine learning and symmetry (2025)
- Self-Supervised Learning Strategies for Jet Physics (2025)
- Tools for Unbinned Unfolding (2025)
- Extracting Transport Properties of Quark-Gluon Plasma from the Heavy-Quark Potential With Neural Networks in a Holographic Model (2025)
- Probes of Anomalous Events at LHC with Self-Organizing Maps (2025)
- Graph-based Full Event Interpretation: a graph neural network for event reconstruction in Belle II (2025)
- Neural Network/de Sitter Space Correspondence (2025)
- Machine Learning Unveils the power law of Finite-Volume Energy Shifts (2025)
- Machine Learning for Single-Ended Event Reconstruction in PROSPECT Experiment (2025)
- Discriminative versus Generative Approaches to Simulation-based Inference (2025)
- Uncertainty Quantification From Scaling Laws in Deep Neural Networks (2025)
- Fast Jet Tagging with MLP-Mixers on FPGAs (2025)
- Reconstruction of muon bundles in KM3NeT detectors using machine learning methods (2025)
- PileUp Mitigation at the HL-LHC Using Attention for Event-Wide Context (2025)
- Exploring fully-heavy tetraquarks through the CGAN framework: Mass and width (2025)
February 2025¶
- Fine-tuning machine-learned particle-flow reconstruction for new detector geometries in future colliders (2025)
- Machine Learning Calabi-Yau Three-Folds, Four-Folds, and Five-Folds (2025)
- Generative adversarial neural networks for simulating neutrino interactions (2025)
- Machine Learning Approaches to Top Quark Flavor-Changing Four-Fermion Interactions in Trilepton Signals at the LHC (2025)
- Unraveling particle dark matter with Physics-Informed Neural Networks (2025)
- Ultra fast, event-by-event heavy-ion simulations for next generation experiments (2025)
- 1 Particle - 1 Qubit: Particle Physics Data Encoding for Quantum Machine Learning (2025)
- Anomaly preserving contrastive neural embeddings for end-to-end model-independent searches at the LHC (2025)
- A Method to Simultaneously Facilitate All Jet Physics Tasks [DOI] (2025)
- Isolating Unisolated Upsilons with Anomaly Detection in CMS Open Data (2025)
- Exploring the BSM parameter space with Neural Network aided Simulation-Based Inference (2025)
- Development of systematic uncertainty-aware neural network trainings for binned-likelihood analyses at the LHC (2025)
- Neuromorphic Readout for Hadron Calorimeters (2025)
- AInstein: Numerical Einstein Metrics via Machine Learning (2025)
- Hadron Identification Prospects With Granular Calorimeters (2025)
- Recasting the ATLAS search for displaced hadronic jets in the ATLAS calorimeter with additional jets or leptons using surrogate models (2025)
- Weakly supervised anomaly detection for resonant new physics in the dijet final state using proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s} (2025)
- Machine-learning techniques as noise reduction strategies in lattice calculations of the muon \(g-2\) [DOI] (2025)
- Communicating Likelihoods with Normalising Flows (2025)
- Unsupervised Particle Tracking with Neuromorphic Computing (2025)
- Contrastive Learning for Robust Representations of Neutrino Data (2025)
- Neutrino Interaction Vertex Reconstruction in DUNE with Pandora Deep Learning (2025)
- Physics-Conditioned Diffusion Models for Lattice Gauge Theory (2025)
- A Neural-Network Extraction of Unpolarised Transverse-Momentum-Dependent Distributions (2025)
- Improving the Direct Determination of \(|V_{ts}|\) using Deep Learning (2025)
- HMC and gradient flow with machine-learned classically perfect fixed-point actions [DOI] (2025)
- Comparative Analysis of FPGA and GPU Performance for Machine Learning-Based Track Reconstruction at LHCb (2025)
- Exploring Generative Networks for Manifolds with Non-Trivial Topology [DOI] (2025)
- End-to-End Detector Optimization with Diffusion models: A Case Study in Sampling Calorimeters (2025)
January 2025¶
- DINAMO: Dynamic and INterpretable Anomaly MOnitoring for Large-Scale Particle Physics Experiments (2025)
- CGAN-Based Framework for Meson Mass and Width Prediction (2025)
- Optimizers for Stabilizing Likelihood-free Inference (2025)
- Graph Neural Network Flavor Tagger and measurement of \(\mathrm{sin}2\beta\) at Belle II (2025)
- Normalizing Flow-Assisted Nested Sampling on Type-II Seesaw Model (2025)
- Evaluating the Impact of Detector Design on Jet Flavor Tagging for Future Colliders (2025)
- Apples to Apples in Jet Quenching: robustness of Machine Learning classification of quenched jets to Underlying Event contamination (2025)
- Anomaly Detection for Automated Data Quality Monitoring in the CMS Detector (2025)
- Developments in NuWro Monte Carlo generator (2025)
- Generating particle physics Lagrangians with transformers (2025)
- Feldman-Cousins' ML Cousin: Sterile Neutrino Global Fits using Simulation-Based Inference (2025)
- Reconstructing Time-of-Flight Detector Values of Angular Streaking Using Machine Learning (2025)
- A Step Toward Interpretability: Smearing the Likelihood (2025)
- Inferring Interpretable Models of Fragmentation Functions using Symbolic Regression (2025)
- Evidential Deep Learning for Uncertainty Quantification and Out-of-Distribution Detection in Jet Identification using Deep Neural Networks (2025)
- Recurrent Features of Amplitudes in Planar $\mathcal{N} (2025)
- Automatizing the search for mass resonances using BumpNet [DOI] (2025)
- Physics-driven learning for inverse problems in quantum chromodynamics [DOI] (2025)